After stewing about this for my entire six-hour flight, I finally made it to San Francisco. When I exited the subway at Union ...
There are significant mental health disparities between sexual and gender minority (SGM) populations and cisgender heterosexual populations (non-SGM), according to a study published online Jan. 29 in ...
Federal websites were overhauled Friday as agencies scrambled to comply with President Donald Trump’s mandate on gender identity. Trump has been vocal in recent months about his view that there ...
A better fitting gender identity didn’t come along right away, though. Charlie—a member of the Youth Council at Gender Spectrum, a national support and advocacy group for transgender and ...
He also revoked orders from the Biden administration aimed at preventing discrimination based on gender identity or sexual ... are better understood as a spectrum. Mr Trump's order also stated ...
Nonbinary and transgender New Jersey residents are being advised to exercise extreme caution when traveling internationally because of the swift changes the federal government is making when it ...
Intersex people have always existed, yet their stories remain overshadowed, misrepresented, or ignored. The world often ...
Transgender refers to the broad spectrum of individuals who identify with a gender other than that associated with their birth sex. Non-binary is a lack of identification with conventional maleness or ...
Then, we will cross-reference these values in the Chinese pregnancy chart before finally displaying the result as specified in the traditional method. Chinese Baby Gender Predictor • Girl or Boy ...
An information technology expert who for decades assumed the identity of another man so convincingly that his victim was forcibly medicated and jailed for identity theft himself was sentenced Friday ...
The directive also says the institutions should teach that “America and its founding documents remain the most powerful force for good in human history.” ...