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I have been asked a few questions about Mercury Retrograde. Here are some answers to your most asked questions. Mercury ...
Find out which zodiac signs will be most affected by the March 2025 Mercury retrograde. Is your sign on the list?
Mercury in Retrograde will be here to shake our worlds up from March 14 until April 7. And if you're wondering how it will impact you, astrologer Aliza Kelly reveals who will be affected the most.
Your professional and private lives will be influenced by how well you deal with these relationships. You may have decided, ...
Mercury retrograde will take place in Aries, triggering misunderstandings and errors in communication. Here's what this could ...
Read between the lines, or swim in a sea of confusion! On Feb. 20, Mercury in Pisces will square Jupiter in Gemini, creating a cosmic clash between two very different energies — Mercury wants ...
The planet of the mind and the mouth, thought and expression, Mercury begins its retrograde on Saturday, March 15.
From March 15 to April 7, embrace your life's healing process and keep communication gentle as Mercury moves into Aries, then ...
Venus and Mercury retrogrades encourage introspection and recalibration, affecting relationships, finances, and communication ...