This study investigated the neural mechanisms involved in feelings of interpersonal guilt and responsibility evoked by social decisions. In two studies (one during fMRI) ...
This innovative methodology synthesizes Gaussian morphological properties with Gamma’s supplementary parameters within the Pearson VII structural framework, establishing a unified probabilistic ...
Abstract: The parametric constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detection algorithms, which are based on various statistical distributions, such as Gaussian, Gamma, Weibull ...
#' @param offset_col Offset column name. If this is not set, we treat all instance offsets as 0.0. The feature specified as offset has a constant coefficient of 1.0 ...
Gamma(2,0) biases the estimate upward ... This was proposed and anlysed by Juárez and Steel (2010) (Model-based clustering of non-Gaussian panel data based on skew-t distributions. Journal of Business ...
Evidence expanding that 40Hz gamma stimulation promotes brain health Date: March 3, 2025 Source: Picower Institute at MIT Summary: A decade of studies from labs around the world provide a growing ...
And in another study involving more than 100 people, researchers in Scotland in 2023 used audio and visual gamma stimulation (at 37.5 Hz) to improve memory recall. Open questions ...
"Neo Gamma," built by robotics company 1X, is a bipedal android equipped to perform everyday tasks such as vacuuming, tidying clothes and making coffee. In a promotional video released Feb 21.
Using an unbiased approach, this important study discovered a role of Ezh2 in the differentiation of granule neuron precursors, the cell of origin for Shh group of medulloblastoma. Furthermore, the ...
Some of the most massive and influential stars in the universe are OB stars. These blue giants, many times more massive than ...