If you didn't plant garlic in the fall, you may be wondering if - and how well - it will grow if planted in the spring. Our ...
Fall planting gives your garlic a head start in the growing season, leading to a more abundant yield in the summer. Imagine pulling up those plump, aromatic bulbs from your garden next year.
Garlic growing can be thought of the way Forrest Gump’s mother metaphorically likened life to a box of chocolates – “You never know what you’re gonna get.” Or, sort of like the suspense ...
Dimapur: Khonoma village in Kohima district organised the first-ever Chümerie (garlic) festival in Nagaland on Friday marking ...
Leave the soapy water for the dishes - this garlic solution spray is the only thing you should be using on plant pests ...
A sunny, well-drained site is essential for growing good crops of onion and garlic. It's possible to grow good onions on heavy soil, but the drainage should be improved prior to planting with grit ...
We also share our tips about how to plant garlic to get great harvests. Choose a sunny site and fertilise the soil well before planting. Garlic can be planted throughout the winter from October to ...
Wander through its leafy trails, and you’ll soon come across the first shoots of fragrant wild garlic growing alongside vivid bluebells and wood anemones. This wild area features several nature ...
It’s never been easier to pick up new skills to boost your independence and keep more money in your wallet while you’re at it. Let Mother Earth News show you how with hundreds of online ...