This is a great time of year to spruce up your yard and surroundings, and master gardener Sally Scalera has a few tips for ...
After hearing about this $14 tool from professional landscapers and avid home gardeners, we knew we needed to write about it.
Non-native plants are those not originating in this country, but also those not native to a specific ecosystem.
However, even paving that has been expertly installed isn’t completely immune to these garden pests. It is still possible for dirt and seeds to slip in between the tiny cracks and trigger weed ...
It seems this scalding technique is perfect for dealing with those pesky patio weeds, but Hannah warns to exercise caution in the garden as it's all too easy to accidentally douse your prized ...
Weeds growing out of patio tiles can be a real pain, but there's one natural item that gardeners are using - and it's a lot ...
Thus, the weeds cannot start growing. What is fantastic about cornmeal is that it can be used around established plants and lawns, so it is safe to use around the garden as it will only suppress ...
Insecticides may help growers hoping to protect their crops from harmful insects, but they also may contribute to a larger amount of some weeds, according to a new study. Insecticides may help ...
Skyseed appears in many places, including well-maintained lawns of bermudagrass, Centipedegrass, St. Augustinegrass, and zoysiagrass. It’s believed to be from the Asteraceae family, the same family as ...
If the garden weeds are getting out of hand, then take back control with this Roundup Weedkiller. Fast action and ready to use, this weed killer shows visible results in just four days ...
“I’m not doing it to party,” says another mom about using weed. “I’m doing it to relax.” As barriers to marijuana use fall across the country, these women are among an increasing ...