The Alliance Games, which carry the #NotJustPlay motto, aims to normalize esports communities across the country amid an increased interest in competitions in the industry, which Lim calls a ...
Academic Magnet Soccer #PinkStrong game. This event honors Ben Pinkerton (the “Pink” in #PinkStrong), who lost his battle ...
Suzanne Collins’ newest Hunger Games installment, Sunrise on the Reaping, has been catching fire with fans, and we volunteer ...
under the motto 'Together as One'. For its part, the SCA reflected on the achievements of its first 100 days under the new leadership, including the establishment of a fixed multi-year event ...
Sneak peek at upcoming San Diego community events street fairs, festivals, concerts, performances, art shows, community ...
Footba ll A ssociation of Malawi (FAM) yesterday unveiled Admiral Sports as all national teams’ technical sponsor. The two year-par tnership wi l l see the spor ts apparel manufacturers providing ...
It is a new kind of cultural revolution. Unlike the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century, which imposed ideology on their populaces by means of culture and entertainment, America’s current reality ...
After claiming Ivy League, ECAC regular season and tournament titles — and beating Colgate twice — Cornell has just one final box to check off: winning the program’s first national championship.
Benjamin Franklin wanted the Israelites at the Sea of Reeds to be on the Great Seal of America, with the motto “Rebellion ... to results and influence. The Alliance for Middle East Peace ...
The overwhelming majority (86%) of the 32,366 phone calls to his office asked him to veto House Bill 93. It is obvious the puppet only responds to those pulling his strings, and unfortunately not to ...