The best way to support and maintain a healthy sustainable community is by protecting wildlife, birds and pollinators.
TTC Horticulture's annual spring sale is approaching. It's time to plant warm-season annuals. They need lots of sunlight and ...
A balcony garden can be your personal green retreat, bringing freshness and vibrant energy to your home. With the right ...
Don Kinzler writes: "We can help our wintered plants prepare for another outdoor growing season with a few simple tips." ...
Get to work this weekend with key jobs of the season including spring cleaning your borders, feeding soil and planting your ...
Azaleas are ubiquitous in the South and seem to have loved the cold weather this past winter. The evergreen varieties were ...
Find out when the next full moon will light up the night sky. Discover its phases and mysteries with ExtremeTech’s guide.
Narcissus, its botanical name, is a nod to Greek myth and the beautiful young man who was cursed to fall in love with his own ...
It was a sensation that lasted for much of the time I spent with the man, the novelist named Peter Grainger, and with his ...
If you want to add some height to your yard, then consider the Norway spruce ( Picea abies ), which can reach upwards of 70 ...
Growing cilantro is easy, but this cool-weather herb quickly flowers and goes to seed as temperatures rise. This can be ...
Next month, on Saturday, April 26, between 9 a.m. and noon, the New Braunfels Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas ...