MONROE — I Am Botanicals at 6 E. First St. started out as a passion project for Laura Cousino. The registered nurse says a ...
These 15 types of camellias will reward you with beautiful blooms even long after other seasonal plants have faded away. Here's what to know about them.
Yozakura Cherry Blossom Festival: 7-11 p.m. March 22-April 5. View 12 illuminated mature cherry trees during peak blooming ...
Pruning Flowering Shrubs: 1-2:30 p.m. Learn the basic cuts through a hands-on demonstration of pruning rhododendrons and ...
Not in a tropical environment? Sugar cane can grow anywhere with warm summers. Its extremely fast growth allows you to plant ...
These gorgeous low-maintenance container plant ideas will help you beautify almost any outdoor space. Plus, get creative ...
The brilliant and beloved physical comedian, Lenny Schultz has died at the age of 91. The news was confirmed by his son, Mark ...
“A lot of them can share the same nutrients, the same irrigation, the same care from your ... so the vine-like cactus plant can climb up the tree and drop the fuchsia fruit each summer.
Summer-flowering deciduous shrubs like Buddleja davidii, Caryopteris, and hardy Fuchsia, need to be pruned between January ...