With his engineering background, he thought about his work differently from how other artists did. His abiding interest was ...
Martin Short admits Fred Armisen convinced him he'd called Paul McCartney 'Tony' during the 'SNL' goodnights on the 50th ...
During her podcast segment with longtime friend Amy Poehler, Tina Fey revealed that her father visited the set of SNL when the cast was rehearsing Weekend Update, back when it was one of Armisen's ...
Actress Renee Taylor (``The Nanny'') is 92. Actress Ursula Andress (``Dr. No,'' ''Casino Royale``) is 89. Singer Clarence ``Frogman'' Henry is 88. Singer Ruth Pointer of the Pointer Sisters is 79.
Fred Lucas is chief news correspondent and manager of the Investigative Reporting Project for The Daily Signal. He is the author of “The Myth of Voter Suppression: The Left’s Assault on Clean ...