Catholics are supposed to abstain from meat this time of year. But it turns out for kids, eating fish might impact ...
“This annual event is a favorite in our community. This event kicks off spring break for our kids,” said Oviedo Police Chief ...
The Diocese of St. Petersburg has a list of parishes and schools in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus ...
Saturday in Port Orange, the Halifax Sport Fishing Club is hosting its annual kids carnival. Youngsters can learn all they ...
One of the notable fish fries in Detroit, the parish will have only one fish fry dinner this Lenten season. A buffet-style ...
A surprising study finds kids who eat fish regularly are more kind, cooperative, and socially aware. Here’s why adding ...
Discover how fish consumption in childhood can enhance prosocial behavior and improve interactions with peers and family.
White Settlement Community Services invites children under 16 to a free fishing event at Veterans Park on March 22.
Look no further for places in the Mid-Michigan area for fish fries during Lent! If you have more suggestions please email ...
Caleb Niedfeldt has been teaching kids how to fish for 25 years, and these students are not only learning about the types of fish inside the lake, they are also learning life lessons like patience.
Take a spring hike, check out Perry businesses after hours, enjoy a fish fry or pancake breakfast or listen to the Greater ...