Echoes of Wisdom broke the glass ceiling regarding Zelda as the lead, but there’s a compelling opportunity for her to shine ...
If you were a kid anywhere in the last 30 years, it was nearly impossible to avoid at least some exposure to the Pokemon franchise. Whether that’s through games like Red and Blue to Scarlet and ...
The goal of the project is to create a open source Famicom cartridge that will not be too expensive and can contain up to ~700 games of various mappers. It's inspired by ultra cheap "COOLBOY" ...
After the success of the crime thriller Unmasked, Disney Plus is back to spreading its Korean drama magic with its latest political revenge thriller, Buried Hearts. Keep scrolling for all the details ...
The kindhearted, queer adolescent love story in Anthony Schattenman’s “Young Hearts” is what Lukas Dhont thought he was doing with “Close.” Where “Close” used queer pain to manipulatively pull ...