Lenten roses and weeping willows showcase non-native species' impact, as native silver maples flourish in their natural ...
Many dogwood varieties don’t need sun and will tolerate partial- to full-shade conditions. One spectacular species to try is ...
A large portion of Texas' funding for conservation efforts comes from the more than 3.9 million hunting and fishing licenses ...
But this is the worst thing you can do for your bougainvillea.
Thick, humid air envelopes Myriam Claude's banana tree, which bears a beautiful cluster of fruit, not yet ripe. Beside it are ...
Goetze: Two woody plants found in the Rolling Plains grow in the vicinity of water or lowland habitats with hydric or ...
As to pruning, fronds that are still partially green should be left on the palm. They continue to photosynthesize and provide ...
Invasive species cost the United States an estimated $120 billion annually and are a major driver of extinction for ...
The amount of high-energy radiation that filters in through the foliage can vary greatly between habitats, some of which are heavily shaded by leafy canopies, while others are more open and allow ...
This perennial has long, strappy green, burgundy or variegated foliage and exotic blooms in pink, red, salmon and that don’t mind the heat. They bloom from mid to late summer and do exceedingly ...