A distant family member died and I just found out I'm stuck handling their estate. What to do when you're named executor and ...
Before you agree to act as an executor, understand some of the potential hazards and how to most effectively navigate them.
The death of a family member, even a distant one, can be emotionally difficult. But if your relative has named you executor, ...
Trump critics are hypocrites who didn't criticize Biden power grabs. They are also ignorant of major constitutional crises ...
President Trump made a smart move when he fired National Labor Relations Board Member Gwynne Wilcox, a Democrat-appointed ...
The legal battle over the estate of struggle hero Winnie Madikizela-Mandela has taken a new twist with the Johannesburg High ...
One of the most effective ways to prevent conflict is to have an open conversation with your children about your inheritance ...
As a starting point, it may be helpful for parents and children to understand what happens to real estate when someone dies ...
Less than 24 hours after my wife passed away her mother suddenly turned on me. She flipped a switch and instantly my wife’s ...
For months there were some who thought the legal fight over landfills in the town of Carroll were over. Not so much. A ream of paperwork was introduced in state Supreme Court this week. Attorneys ...
Had anyone asked me if I was Aamir Khan, I would have admitted to it.' Senior movie journalist Roshmila Bhattacharya flips ...
Throughout Latin America, the military and political heirs to the terror regimes of the 1960s and 1970s have once again been ...