The unprecedented Best International Feature Oscar, defeating Emilia Pérez, shakes France's historical dominance ...
During her talk, Ortiz lambasted the Eurocentrism she encountered within the field of classical music, which she said prioritized European classical traditions over the “very diverse ...
In the old days a diplomat was known as a plenipotentiary, the very term suggesting gravity and pomposity. Much of that has ...
In the Culture Wars years, professors could accuse conservative critics of Eurocentrism, chauvinism, and anti-intellectualism and thus preserve their high self-opinion. They can’t do that with ...
Back in the mid-19th century, famed editor Horace Greeley told the American democracy’s pioneers, “Go West, young man!” Today, for denizens of this South ...
By Uditha Devapriya In November last year, the American Institute for Sri Lankan Studies (AISLS) organised a joint lecture on ...
ኣብ ከረን፡ ኢዮሩሳሌም፡ ሮማ፡ ፓሪስ. . . ኰይኖም ዝጸሓፉዎ 46 ምርምራዊ ጽሑፋት ኣበርኪቶም ኣለዉ። ነቲ ንኤውሮጳ ማእከል ዝገበረ ርእዮተ-ዓለም ናብ ምድረ-ሓበሻ ንምእታው ዝግበር ዝነበረ ፈተነታት ብርድኢት ደው ኢሎም ዝመጐቱ፡ ክብርታት ሕብረተሰቦም ንኻልኦት ዘፍለጡን ዋጋ ዝኸፈልሉን እዮም። ካብዛ ዓለም ካብ ዝፍ ...
The Ukrainian President could not realise that he was merely a pawn — though a much glorified one — in the larger Russia versus the West battle. And like all pawns, he was there just for making sacrif ...