According to the study, the addition of Euglossa bursigera, Euglossa crassipunctata, Euglossa villosiventris and Eufriesea macroglossa brings the number of orchid bee species recorded in Ecuador ...
(Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Milano, 25 feb - Il fondo di private capital Italian Fine Food, promosso da Avm Sgr ha acquisito una quota di maggioranza relativa del Gruppo Bracca-Pineta, realta ...
NBC is rolling out an impressive trifecta of new shows tonight, including Suits LA and Grosse Pointe Garden Society. But before those get underway, the network is rolling out the first two ...
(ANSA) - BRUXELLES, 06 MAR - "Sulle truppe europee sono molto molto perplessa, non lo considero efficace. Escludo che possano essere inviati soldati italiani. Meglio pensare a soluzioni più durature.
agriculture; Apidae; biodiversity; bee sampling; tropical dry forest; West Indian cherry Location and methodology of the present study. a- map of Brazil with emphasis on the Northeast region (gray) ...
The first phase of Northern Lights Park in the Cordata neighborhood of Bellingham is now complete and open to the public. The park, located at 1350 Talus Way north of Mahogany Avenue, was built by RJ ...