A question on the ballot next year will ask voters to amend the Constitution to set open elections. Republicans said it would ...
One of Coventry’s beaten election rivals, Sebastian Coe, leads World Athletics. It broke an Olympic taboo by paying $50,000 ...
In six Texas districts that used at-large voting systems, ideologically driven groups successfully helped elect school board ...
Comptroller Glenn Hegar will step down in the coming months to become chancellor of the Texas A&M University System.
Reps. Cuellar and Gonzalez are moderate Democrats who represent border districts that increasingly vote Republican.
SB 1026 would amend Chapter 402 to grant jurisdiction to the attorney general to prosecute election crimes referred to the AG ...
Current and new voters would have to prove their citizenship to register to vote under a bill from Mineola Republican Sen.
Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee became the first candidate to file for Texas' 18th Congressional District, a seat ...
New Hampshire has tested out its new law requiring people to show proof of citizenship before registering to vote ...
Amanda Edwards, a former Houston City Council At-Large member, is doubling down on her ambitions to become the next representative for the district.