A landlord has been granted a GH¢20,000.00 bail by an Accra Circuit Court for allegedly stealing GH¢7,067.87 worth of ...
A report reveals that more than 1,300 containers meant for ECG at Tema Port cannot be accounted for, leading to a government investigation into procurement practices and potential breaches.
Professor Dr. Abu Jafar, the Director of the National Heart Foundation Hospital Dr. Abdul Wadud Chowdhury, the Director of the Health Directorate, and other doctors observed Tamim's latest condition ...
The Chief Exec­utive Officer of the Cocobod, Dr Ransford Abbey, yesterday paid a courtesy call on the Paramount Chief of ...
Over 80% of these fatalities result from heart attacks and strokes. December is notorious for being the biggest month for heart attacks, with one of the most dangerous being the widowmaker heart ...