Judy Harmon's husband, Ted, was only a teenager, living on Cape Cod, when he discovered his first duck decoy while hunting. "He just thought they were pretty cool, pretty neat looking," Harmon said.
For the month of March, the Town of Mashpee's Conservation Department is hosting guided walking nature tours where walkers can enjoy views of ponds, rivers, cranberry bogs, and beaches. Participants ...
HALIFAX, Nova Scotia (AP) — From the grounds of a gas-fired power plant on the eastern shores of Canada, a little-known ...
Most of the ocean startups are selling carbon credits — or tokens representing one metric ton of carbon dioxide removed from ...
A female tufted duck continued in Harwich but had moved to ... Other sightings around the Cape included the continuing female king eider on the canal in Bourne, an American woodcock and a brown ...
A female tufted duck continued on the various large ponds ... Other sightings around the Cape included a short-eared owl in Sandwich, a dickcissel in Dennis, 3 Baltimore orioles at a yard in ...
This charming coastal town in Massachusetts is brimming with history and famous sites, and is the birthplace of the U.S. Navy ...