"Duck Dynasty" star Silas "Uncle Si" Robertson is recovering after a fall during a hunting trip. Robertson, 76, who is set to appear in the reboot of the hit A&E show, landed in the hospital after ...
Waterfowl hunters who did not remove their hunting blind from the waters of the state earlier must do so before Feb. 15 on ...
On his "Duck Call Room" podcast, co-hosts Justin Martin and Phillip McMillan explained that Robertson fell from a boat while hunting in Arkansas and landed on his oxygen tank. Because of the ...
Once seen as mere hunting tools, duck decoys have waddled their way into the world of collecting hobbies. It’s easy to see ...
Justin Martin and Phillip McMillin explained Si fell getting out of a boat on a duck hunting trip. According to the story, Si declined treatment, but his oxygen levels fell once he got home.
Image via Shutterstock Two duck hunters had to brave the elements in Louisiana after their boat sank. Stranded in the cold, ...
*Minimum home value of $200,000 set to exclude certain land sales, retirement condos, properties with expiring ground leases, etc. The National Chamber Ensemble (NCE) invites you to an evening cel ...
Looking for new ways to get students reading and responding to nonfiction? Try these exercises for discussion, writing and speaking. By Peggy Dimock Lead poisoning can cause lower I.Q.s ...