The vessel's course between the aorta and pulmonary artery caused anginal symptoms in this patient. RVOT=right ventricle outflow tract The presence of significant stenoses (asterisk) in the ...
mGluR5 mRNA expression has been found in neonatal rat dorsal root ganglia (DRG ... Mice were anesthetized and perfused through the aorta with heparinized saline followed by a mixture of cold ...
Right aberrant subclavian artery, also called arteria lusoria, is one of the most common intrathoracic arterial anomalies. Although mostly asymptomatic, the retroesophageal and retrotracheal ...
The valves make sure blood flows in only one direction. The aortic valve keeps blood flowing from the left ventricle to the aorta. Your child may be born with aortic stenosis (congenital). Or it may ...