Novas GPUs do time vermelho trazem a microarquitetura RDNA 4 e 16 GB de RAM para aguentar resoluções mais altas ...
Testes da própria AMD mostram que a Radeon RX 9070 XT, sua melhor GPU RDNA 4, oferece relação performance por dólar superior à RTX 5070 Ti ...
Dólar fecha abaixo dos R$ 5,70 pela primeira vez desde novembro, com Trump e Datafolha no radar Moeda norte-americana caiu 1,26%, cotada a R$ 5,6956. O Ibovespa, principal índice da bolsa de ...
A moeda norte-americana avançou 0,29%, cotada a R$ 5,7119. Já o principal índice da bolsa de valores subiu 0,26% e encerrou aos 128.552 pontos. O dólar fechou em alta nesta segunda-feira (17 ...
Learn more Most TVs and monitors sold today use 4K panels. But what does this designation actually mean? The 4K specification refers to a display's resolution, which plays a huge part in how much ...
4K resolution is now within reach of everyday PC users, promising a massive improvement to image quality, with four times the pixels of a 1080p display. A 4K monitor is useful not only in games ...
Any camera worth its salt in 2025 can shoot 4K video, but not all 4K cameras are made the same. The best camera phones can all shoot 4K, for example, but you’ll get much better low-light results ...
The best 4K projectors are still the ultimate way for you to get an immersive theater experience at home. All of the projectors in this guide are capable of beaming a larger image than any regular ...
The best 4K gaming monitor has all the bells and whistles an enthusiast could ever want or need. The best 4K gaming monitor can make way more than games look great. It's a big upgrade to any ...