There's something really alluring about Artis Impact, an upcoming RPG created by a solo Malaysian developer, Mas, that just ...
When I craft, I sometimes enter a flow state where nothing else exists beyond me and my paintbrush, my knitting needles or ...
The NFT market has not moved out of the so-called bear market. In yet another week, the NFT market has fallen in sales volume ...
Spice up your D&D game by using monsters your players have never seen before from the cards of Magic: The Gathering!
Like many other cultural and religious holidays, present-day Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations bear little resemblance to the ...
Read on for news of the 20th anniversary book tie-ins for 'Avatar: The Last Airbender,' DK’s Warhammer expansion, recent ...
Looking for a place to take your little ones this week? Look no further! Here is a list of family-friendly (and fun!) ...
Formed to look like Dungeons & Dragons dice ... On the other side, you’ll see a blue 12-sided die bears the marks of the Mighty Nein, the unpredictable misfits who challenged fate, forged ...
Under the tiled roof where Knicks and Rangers banners hang, between walls that often echo with Billy Joel and Taylor Swift, ...
We’re about to bear witness to the best RPGs available ... it’s also a great Dungeons and Dragons game. You can pick one of eight possible classes covering all of the classics, from rogues ...
anime art styles are everywhere in games. Whether you fancy being trapped in a school with a sadistic remote-controlled bear, defending yourself from gargantuan humanoid monsters, or joining a ...
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