"Duck Dynasty" star Silas "Uncle Si" Robertson is recovering after a fall during a hunting trip. Robertson, 76, who is set to appear in the reboot of the hit A&E show, landed in the hospital after ...
Silas “Uncle Si” Robertson is on the mend following an accident during a recent hunting trip. The “Duck Dynasty” star sparked ...
A 19-year-old was duck hunting in Marion on Monday, Jan. 20 when he accidentally fell out of the boat he was hunting from, Boston.com reported. His friend, who was hunting with him from ...
A 19-year-old duck hunter who fell into frigid waters off of a Massachusetts beach on Monday was rescued by first responders.
were duck hunting on Dec. 14. The older brother’s body was found in the waterway and positively identified on Dec. 31. Juan Heredia, a diver who had been searching for the boys with other ...
The two duck hunters were stranded in flooded timber after their boat sank, so they built a fire with duck decoys in their ...
Justin Martin and Phillip McMillin explained Si fell getting out of a boat on a duck hunting trip. According to the story, Si declined treatment, but his oxygen levels fell once he got home.
Challenging on the wing, widely distributed, and excellent on the table, the canvasback is the paragon of diving ducks, just as the ... of the 19th Century, market hunting, along with human ...
A series of rescues were staged in the Louisiana wilderness after duck hunters defied warnings and set out during a rare coastal snowstorm, state officials said.
Duck Dynasty star Silas Merritt Robertson is recovering after suffering a nasty fall off a boat during a recent hunting trip ...
Diver Juan Heredia knows the pain of loss, so helping others find closure drives him on. He insists he isn’t a hero; the community says otherwise.
Authorities recovered the body of a missing teen at Thermalito Afterbay in Northern California, where he went missing with his brother while duck hunting ... he insisted on diving into the water ...