Steve Ditko was no ordinary comic book artist; he created Spider-Man and Doctor Strange with Marvel, two of the legends. Now, ...
Stan waiting to start a long signing Producers Launching Kickstarter to Help Raise Funds to Finish Groundbreaking Film I knew that ...
To hear Stan Lee tell it, the X-Men came to be precisely because he was tired of making up origin stories. Instead of ...
Kirby is known for his work at Marvel, where he created or co-created many major characters including Captain America, the ...
Jack Kirby the legendary comic book artist is finally getting the documentary he deserves. Kirbyvision is a feature-length ...
Ricki Stern is making "Kirbyvision," a documentary exploring the life and legacy of Jack Kirby, who created Captain America.
Here’s a great print I wanted to share with you for Steven Spielberg ’s and George Lucas ’ Indiana Jones and the Temple of ...
The month after debuting Thanos & Drax in Iron Man & the same month his Captain Marvel saga launched, Where Monsters Dwell ...
Legendary comic book artist Jack Kirby will be the focus of a new documentary titled Kirbyvision. Directed by Ricki Stern, the film explores Kirby’s life and career, which saw him have a hand in ...
and countless others (with comics impresario Stan Lee). He worked similar magic for DC Comics, where he created the sprawling, psychedelic “Fourth World,” a series of political and psychedelic ...
Here are the 10 best-looking DC Superheroes that were given a Marvel-style upgrade by Stan Lee and artists such as ... Harren's uber-kinetic art captures god vs monster like few comics ever ...