If you’ve only been together a year and you’re hitting the therapist’s couch, is it a sign you should end things? Or that you ...
Winning entry of the essay competition "The Next 100 Years of Estonian Culture," organized in 2024 to mark the 100th anniversary of the Estonian Cultural Endowment.
Recently, Sharpe has even created a bit of a rallying cry for Lakers fans on social media with the "Lakers in 5" meme. As Los Angeles prepares for a huge playoff run, here's a breakdown of how the ...
Donald Trump has understood this for the entirety of his political career but particularly during his latest campaign. He ...
The memes of 2016 reflect a year filled with a lot of ... errrr ... feelings. There was crying, anger and a frog riding a unicycle. And in the weirdest year yet of ...
MAGA types are also psychotically, outrageously online, as you would obviously need to be in order to grasp the chthonic plot points of the Hunter Biden laptop saga. The morning simmered into the ...
Conspiracy theorists, amateur investigators, and online cranks of all sorts were livid today as they came to realize that documents related to the late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein released by the ...