The newly formed Warren County Library Board (WCLB) met Wednesday to adopt its bylaws and mission and vision statements. After discussion, the board tabled all three documents ...
Cohen’s immediate goals for Cornerstone are to rehab the affordable apartments called the Arlington Village Center and create a homeownership ... of our independent, nonprofit newsroom.
There’s a simple answer, one you’ll never hear in the grand halls of the charity gala circuit: The math of philanthropy ...
Fired director alleges a dysfunctional board of directors left him with no plan to handle teacher's sexual misconduct ...
Seeing Beck's success, other cities are hoping to emulate it, using its methods to catalogue and share their own stories of regional Black history.
By: Genevieve Balance Kupang To our readers, I hope you enjoyed reading the first article in our Webinar series. If you ...
Hamilton, Toronto and London are among the Ontario cities that already have such bylaws. Ottawa’s review ... Community Legal Services of Ottawa, a nonprofit community legal clinic, said there ...
My colleague in this column, Janet Parkins, recently wrote about renewable natural gas and its problematic nature as a strategy for FortisBC to make it fossil natural gas more climate friendly.
The Fourth Ward Super Neighborhood is looking to reactivate in 2025 after being inactive for an unknown amount of years.
The homeowners associations (HOAs) were initially established to help run and manage neighborhoods. However, with time they ...
Dr. Vedet Coleman-Robinson drives bold change at AAAM, boosting membership and funding while redefining Black history museums' legacy now.