Eight years without a single piece of silverware, three successive group-stage eliminations from ICC events, a humiliating ...
Staceyann Chin reflects on writing, identity, performance, activism, and the complexities of family, history, and resistance.
Bais Rivkah High School student Bryna Sudak won a schoolwide competition with a spoken-word poem called 'Flames,' explaining the Chassidic concept of faith in Hashem during pain. Watch her moving and ...
The 19th-century English poet was a "prolific reviser" who tested out many variations of his work before publication. A new ...
We were looking for poetry that had struck its readers, for whatever reasons, as unforgettable, enduring, and influential: ...
These collections by Juliana Spahr, Mai Der Vang, Hasib Hourani and Martín Espada invite us to rethink the relentless accumulation of history.
T oday The Atlantic launches “The Best American Poetry of the 21st Century (So Far),” a new editorial project that brings ...
Warren Buffett recommends that investors heed the words of a famous poem when their stocks are sinking. Buffett has followed the lessons in this poem throughout his career, and it's helped him ...
The Lede Reporting and commentary on what you need to know today. Oswald was a violent man in a violent mood. Only months before in Dallas, the Warren Commission found, he had tried to kill the ...
James Wood and Jonathan Rée introduce their new Close Readings series, Conversations in Philosophy, running throughout 2025. They explain the title of the series and why they'll be challenging a ...
Truong Minh Quy’s haunting romance between two Vietnamese coal miners contemplates war and loss with pained elegance. By Lisa Kennedy Louise Courvoisier’s debut feature follows a teenager in ...