You crack open a bag of Cheetos for a quick snack, and you'll likely devour most of them without ever looking at them or registering their shape. Then you feel the urge to look at one and you see ...
Like it or not, the shocking $87,840 sale of a Charizard-shaped Cheeto appears to have opened the floodgates for entrepreneurial salty snack aficionados. Just a couple weeks after the sale of the ...
There's a new contender for the world's most expensive crunchy snack.A Pokémon-shaped Flamin' Hot Cheeto nicknamed "Cheetozard" has sold for $87,840 to an unnamed buyer, the Goldin auction house ...
There's a new contender for the world's most expensive crunchy snack.A Pokémon-shaped Flamin' Hot Cheeto nicknamed "Cheetozard" has sold for $87,840 to an unnamed buyer, the Goldin auction house said ...
A Flamin’ Hot Cheeto bearing a resemblance to Michael Jordan’s Jumpman logo is currently up for sale at Goldin Auctions. Earlier this month, the same auction house sold a Flamin’ Hot Cheeto ...