Yes, even when they're technically a senior cat and not a kitten, we only want to care for them and love on them as long as ...
A cute foster cat named Charlie has a unique bed that's become his favorite place to catch some daily zzzs, and it's his ...
Communication is essential be it for humans, animals or cats, for that matter. Every now and then, you must let your cat know ...
One way to support your cat’s evolutionary need for heights is by investing in a cat tree, a dedicated structure with ...
Learn how to keep your cat safe at home and prevent it from running away with these practical tips, including creating an ...
Being a cat parent means you need to be careful even if cats are known for remaining aloof and less emotional. Read to know ...
The ANN Aftershow streams live on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter Spaces on Tuesdays at 6pm PT/9pm ET. You can listen to the ...
If your cat seems upset, creating a calm and comfortable environment, engaging in play, and offering affection can help ...
One 13-year-old cat has found a forever home of his own, giving him the chance to live out the rest of his days with plenty of love (and the best cat treats, of course) after being found as a stray ...
A follow-up video informed viewers that Kit isn't lonely in the house. Her other cat and dog keep him company, especially the ...
This is possibly because outdoor cats may be exposed to multiple dogs, many of which aren't happy to see them. So, should your pet cat have a friend? As you may have guessed by now, the answer to ...
The Humane Animal Welfare Society (HAWS) is dedicated to enriching lives through education, animal care, and adoption. Based in Waukesha, Wisconsin, ...