Take your backyard barbecue to a whole new level with these 14 hand-selected grilling accessories, courtesy of a grilling ...
Remove the casing from a dishwasher tablet ... If burnt-on food has been left in your oven for a while, you may want to start by using a spatula or oven scraper to lift off the heavy dirt. Oven grease ...
A pumice stone to remove limescale, hard water, iron, and rust stains in your toilet bowl ...
When the wet weather arrives, a boot scraper is a convenient accessory to have outside the back door. While doormats are ideal for removing everyday grit and dust, a boot scraper comes into its own ...
A cordless leaf blower is great for removing leaves from your lawn, especially because it’s highly portable and you can carry it anywhere. Choosing the most powerful cordless leaf blowers, on the ...
Crawlee covers your crawling and scraping end-to-end and helps you build reliable scrapers. Fast. Your crawlers will appear human-like and fly under the radar of modern bot protections even with the ...
An open-source Python library that provides programmatic access to LinkedIn using web scraping. Inspired by the now-private linkedin-api, this project aims to offer a community-driven alternative for ...
Never once have I (selfishly) written a review for a product. After purchasing this simple tongue scraper, I am now ending that streak. For YEARS, my tongue had been a whiteish-covered organ. It was ...