Birdlife South Africa and SANCCOB have reached an agreement with commercial sardine and anchovy fishers to provide foraging ...
The Cape Sable seaside sparrow isn't nicknamed the “Goldilocks bird” for nothing: In order for this little sparrow to survive, its habitat conditions have to be just right. Though the bird has evolved ...
Recent sightings (through March 3) as reported to Mass Audubon. Single, early tree swallows and Eastern phoebes were seen in various Upper Cape locations. An executive with Hydro-Quebec, a utility ...
They’re tiny, they're adorable and they’re Cape Coral’s official bird. We’re talking, of course, about burrowing owls. Everyone loves the soda-can-sized raptors, it seems, and this ...
Jazz lovers, the wait is over! Early bird ticket sales for the highly anticipated Cape Town International Jazz Festival (CTIJF) officially open Tuesday. Africa’s Grandest Gathering takes place ...
At West Dennis Beach, birds reported included a greater yellowlegs, a lesser black-backed gull, and 2 American pipits. Other sightings around the Cape included a marsh wren in Mashpee, 3 killdeer ...