If an animal is suspected of encountering or ingesting a poisonous plant, seek medical attention immediately. For more ...
He couldn't resist helping the poor dog, so he took him in as a temporary foster. While he doesn't know much about the dog's ...
It's a weekend of celebrations, with St. Patrick's Day and Holi festivities taking place, as well as a sip and stroll ...
“It never occurred to me that dogs can give blood, but obviously humans need blood transfusions when we have surgery and we’re ill, so it makes sense that pets do too.” Blood-donating pooch Bear with ...
The nurse provided a step-by-step video guide on TikTok, urging pet owners not to panic should the scary scenario unfold ...
If you're looking for more ways to bond with your dog, then look no further. These 10 tips are guaranteed to improve the bond ...
Oscar-winning film Flow has caught the eye of many pets. Here's what a researcher told NPR our furry friends might pay ...
Every pup parent has witnessed it – the sudden bursts of energy where your dog dashes around the house or yard like their ...
“While social media scrolling has its known downsides and can be a mind-numbing activity for many people, sniffing is a ...
The nurse shared an important video detailing a step-by-step guide on the procedure to follow should your pet find itself ...
Life would be so much easier if our pets would just use the toilet. Many viral videos show cats using the toilet, but few ...
Can Do Canines is hosting an open house Saturday afternoon. It’s an opportunity for people to learn more about the organization, but the primary goal is to encourage folks to host one of their service ...