Three Cambridge rowers have been told that they cannot compete in this year’s Boat Race due to a new condition on eligibility ...
A major review of over 67,000 animal species has found that while the natural world continues to face a biodiversity crisis, ...
Cambridge University researchers have uncovered evidence that two distinct populations of ancient hominins, separated for ...
As recently revealed in the academic journal, Frontiers, the platform has been clinically proven to significantly increase ...
Thalia Waste Management has upgraded its vehicle fleet with both their latest rigids and tractor units being fitted with ...
Modern humans descended from not one, but at least two ancestral populations that drifted apart and later reconnected, long before modern humans spread across the globe.
MIT research finds the brain’s language-processing network also responds to artificial languages such as Esperanto and languages made for TV, such as Klingon on “Star Trek” and High Valyrian and ...
The charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is asking nature lovers to help them track changes in populations.
Structures of surveillance have their roots within the infrastructure of our commercial sector and government. This is not ...
The former home of the giant pandas which previously lived at Edinburgh Zoo is being transformed into a habitat for sloth bears. It will be the first time the zoo welcomes the vulnerable species, ...