For students enrolled before June 2024: Business majors may take either the Business Calculus sequence (Math 30 and 31), or the first two courses in the Science/Engineering Calculus sequence (Math 11 ...
Math 108: Brief Calculus with Applications This course is an introduction to the calculus of polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions, including some multi-variable calculus, with ...
It can also be used for placement into non-math courses that still have math prerequisites, such chemistry, statistics, and business courses. The MPE can be taken both in-person and online and must be ...
New graduate students are expected to participate in Math Camp, an intensive review/summary of the mathematics necessary for the Ph.D. core courses. If, after Math Camp, a student determines that he ...
The BSc in Mathematics, Statistics and Business provides a thorough grounding in the practical ... workplace experience and providing the edge over other graduates. Several courses also provide ...
If you are a new engineering first-year student starting in the fall semester, you will most likely be pre-enrolled in an Applied Math (APPM) pre-calculus or calculus course based on patterns of prior ...