As an author, I loathe asking for blurbs — most of us hate the cringe-making business of approaching your peers for a favour that eats into their precious writing hours — and sometimes struggle to ...
Enchanting. Mysterious. Riveting. Book blurbs have been a mainstay in publishing, designed to persuade readers to pick up a ...
Book blurbs get a lot of flack, some of it deserved. Authors writing blurbs decry the expense of time and energy, authors and publishers fret over how to secure prestige endorsements, and at the ...
Publishers Weekly put out an article by Sean Manning – publisher of Simon & Schuster’s flagship US imprint – in which he said he’d “no longer require authors to obtain blurbs for their books”. The ...
These descriptions constitute what is popularly known as the book blurb: a short but effusive recommendation of the book from famous authors or, for later editions, from book reviewers. But a ...
New accounts of working in a man’s world — and that world’s comeuppance — are long on boldface names and even longer on ...
Searing. Volatile. That’s how Sean Manning felt about the prattle on every second book cover. Even those he’d published, where a novel looked naked without such blurb cliches as uproarious ...
EXCLUSIVE: John Wick and Nobody franchise scribe Derek Kolstad ‘s Planet Death from Bad Idea and Lunar Distribution has sold ...
Rocker Kathleen Hanna begin exchanging notes with the Paramore frontwoman while working on her 2024 memoir 'Rebel Girl.' ...
Amazon has discontinued several Kindle services in the past twelve months. A few weeks ago, it discontinued the USB-File ...
How committed is local historian and author Linda Willard to the notion of Quakers opposing slavery? “I’m so opposed to the idea that a person can be owned that I refused to allow my father to ‘give ...