Vancouver police say they have located a two-year-old boy who was allegedly abducted by his father on Thursday.
Here's a closer look at the eight winners, who represent a range of disabilities, including speech and hearing impairments, ...
ICE pulled over Bernandino Randa Marinas on his way to work in Chicago. After handing his ID to an ICE agent, Bernandino was ordered to keep his hands on the steering wheel of his car and not to move.
The 10-day Florida fest will feature 37 features and 41 short films ...
The Omnium Circus, a inclusive and accessible circus that celebrates disability and diversity will make its Lafayette debut ...
Max announces ASL option for streaming 'The Last of Us' March 19 (UPI) -- Streaming platform Max will release an American Sign Language version of "The Last of Us" Season 1 on March 31 and provide ...
Indonesian authorities have arrested a 17-year-old boy from Jakartafor allegedly setting fire to three train carriagest ...
Kendall Gates, 5, was born on March 15, 2020 — the same day Athens, Georgia went into lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. His mother, Kethia Gates, said the hospital ...
The parade will step off at 12:30 p.m. Sunday. It will be preceded by check-in at 10:40 a.m. at 68 West Main St., in front of ...
Comic Shops Enrolled in Penguin Random House's Direct Market Partnership Program to Receive Branded Promotional Materials, Educational Support, Advanced Copies of Select Manga and More LOS ANGELES ...
Experience the rich tapestry of heritage, identity and love through three captivating theatre productions in Joburg this week, showcasing local talent and powerful storytelling.