Great rivers of whale pee make a remarkable contribution to Earth's cycling of nutrients, a new study reveals.
The study, published in March in the journal Nature Communications, calculates that in oceans across the globe, great whales ...
Whales are a group of mammals that live in oceans. They include some of the largest animals on Earth. The blue whale is the biggest animal that has ever existed. Whales can be found in every ocean ...
The penguin poop didn’t only influence krill movements. In another phase of the experiment, researchers noticed the ...
The foul stench of penguin poop sets Antarctic krill on edge. In lab experiments, the mere scent of penguin droppings — or guano — sent krill scrambling for escape, researchers report March 20 in ...
The waters of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary off central California are rich feeding grounds for blue, fin and humpback whales that cruise the coast during their annual migrations.
You have to leave before dawn at Mirissa Harbour, paying $50 (₹4,400) per head for a group tour, to witness blue whales in their natural habitat. Travelling up to 12 nautical miles into the sea ...
So Kurtz has made the tough decision to sell Blue Skies Beach Resort — 16 suites and rooms nestled on Negril’s seven-mile beach — and move back to America. The asking price for the turnkey ...