A recent study using the James Webb Space Telescope has promoted the theory long held by certain astrophysicists that we live ...
Rapid City, S.D. (KELO) — The Rapid City Fire Department has been working on live fire training this week out at their burn ...
On a recent trip to Tennessee, I lost count of how many people told me the same strange and unusual thing about Great Smoky Mountains National Park. If you stacked up all of the park’s salamanders ...
The racist tinge to Elon Musk’s hacking of the government eerily reflects cyberpunk's vision of the future—especially the science fiction coming out of South Africa.
Illustration by Chloe Dowling for TIME (Source Images: Archive Photos—Stringer/, Columbia Pictures/Everett (2), ...
Philosopher John Rawls dared to envision what a truly good and fair society would look like. It doesn’t look anything like us ...
The Trump tariffs and the U.S. president’s constant annexation rhetoric have raised Canadian tensions while significantly curbing visits south of the border. Yarmouth Mayor Pam Mood says she and two ...