Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are critical drivers of aquatic biogeochemical processes, with dissolved organic matter (DOM) ...
It is commonly assumed that as forest ecosystems age, they accumulate and store (sequester) more carbon. A study based at the ...
The synergistic effects of forest structure, the composition of the tree and fungal communities and soil biogeochemical ...
Figures and photosIt is commonly assumed that as forest ecosystems age, they accumulate and store, or "sequester," more carbon.A new study based at ...
Illustration by study coauthor Jennifer Kalejs shows synthesis of ecosystem changes over successional time. Image courtesy: Jennifer KalejsStudy ...
Protecting coastal groundwater systems and microbial communities requires monitoring, technological innovation, policies ...
Hidden in the stormy Furious Fifties, the South Sandwich Islands generate spectacular cloud formations. Winds sweeping past ...
A new study from The James Hutton Institute has uncovered a dramatic rise in microplastics in soil, with levels increasing by ...
While environmental monitoring professionals are keeping track of aerosols, greenhouse gases, nutrients, PFAS and ...
The carbon cycle is the biogeochemical cycle focused on carbon and how it is sequestered in and moves between different reservoirs in the Earth system. Storing and protecting organic carbon in ...
This Review discusses the observed response of the physical and biogeochemical properties of lakes, including salinity and trophic complexity, to changes in lake size and looks towards future ...