Scientists, while filming for Will Smith's latest show, discovered the largest anaconda ever found in the Amazon rainforest.
Council secretary Ryan Hartley noted the current ordinance, which has limits for dog and cat ownership, is at four. If there ...
The official The Hunger Games On Stage account on X replied to disgruntled fans throughout the morning, saying: “There are ...
"A good old-fashioned snake or auger is usually a better option for tackling clogs," Fagundes says. "For simple clogs, a ...
A uniquely Florida moment was caught on video when a man dove head-first into a swamp and emerged with the head of a massive ...
A snake handler in the Cape Winelands helped an elderly woman remove a Cape cobra that was hiding under blankets on her bed.
With sales of just over £1.5m, Sunrise on the Reaping by Suzanne Collins has single-handedly earned publisher Scholastic its ...