As Donald Trump kicks off his second term in office Monday, Seoul is paying close attention to how U.S.-China strategic competition — a key variable in setting the coordinates for Korean diplomacy — ...
Seoul and Beijing have resumed their negotiations to expand their existing FTA to include the service and investment sectors, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy said Thursday. The talks ...
South Korea must become more vocal in protesting China's use of 'gray zone tactics' to expand its maritime sovereignty, ...
The map below shows the location of Beijing and Seoul. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between ...
Itineraries on offer also included visiting North Korean factories, schools and a bank. Read more at
With the fate of suspended South Korean president Yoon Suk-yeol hanging in the balance, the country has also been left facing an uncertain future as it battles through the resulting political turmoil.
BEIJING/SEOUL--China and South Korea should seek stable ties despite their recent “difficulties,” Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told his South Korean counterpart on Monday at a rare meeting ...
Previous ones were led by director-level officials. This shows the will of the two sides to resolve the dispute at a time when Seoul-Beijing relations have been in good shape under the Park and Xi ...
Wang was speaking on efforts to revitalize co-operation among the three neighbors at a forum organized by the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat, a body set up by agreement among Beijing ...