Stairs coming up into a bedroom ... RICARDO: And I'm actually kind of digging the beadboard here. JEN: Yeah, but how cute is that little stained-glass window. I just love it.
The stairs to the second floor open to story and a half, three bay layout with single dormer windows in each bay offering water views. The knee walls clad in white beadboard blend into the other white ...
The beadboard cabinet trend can look far slicker than you might imagine. | Credit: James McDonald. Design: Tamzin Greenhill Interiors. Maker: Clayton Cabinets Let’s start with the elephant in ...
Beadboard is one of those design elements that can add so much charm to a once bland and boring space. It has a vintage vibe that can read eclectic, shabby chic, modern farmhouse, and more. But ...
Let’s start with the elephant in the room: what on earth are beadboard cabinets? The term may not be familiar to all, but you ...
A woman living in the country with her family embarked on a project of pulling up carpet on a set of stairs leading to their ...
Los Angeles may soon consider how to lower the cost of building apartments by allowing just one single stairway.
Vancouver city council asked staff on Wednesday to look further into new provincial rules that allow multi-family residential buildings under six storeys to be built with a single set of stairs ...
A HOMEOWNER has divided the internet after sharing her DIY renovation project. The woman decided to give one of her rooms a ...