Arusha. Researchers at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) have intensified efforts to develop disease-resistant banana varieties in a bid to combat the devastating virus, which ...
BBTV, spread by banana aphids, causes Banana Bunchy Top Disease (BBTD), which severely stunts banana plants, leading to ...
The effort is part of the organization's â€œCombating banana bunchy top virus in East Africa" project, created to develop a ...
Scientists have developed bananas that do not go brown and mushy even after being peeled, meaning British banana lovers can look forward to enjoying their favourite fruit. British experts have altered ...
Why not use them? Already in countries like India, Indonesia and the Philippines people eat tens of different varieties of bananas, all of which offer different tastes, smells and sizes.
By 2080, it could be economically unsustainable for Latin American and Caribbean countries to continue growing bananas for ...
Temperature rises will make much of Latin America unsuitable for banana production Bananas are a crucial source of income for low- and middle-income ...
Without substantial investment in adaptation, including irrigation and heat-tolerant banana varieties, the future of export banana production looks uncertain. “Bananas are one of the world's ...
Why not use them? Already in countries like India, Indonesia and the Philippines people eat tens of different varieties of bananas, all of which offer different tastes, smells and sizes.