What Is the Story of Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo? Bengal Tiger follows the interweaving lives of a group of people in Baghdad during the Iraq war. The story begins while two American soldiers ...
With great compassion and humor, playwright Rajiv Joseph (Broadway’s “Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo”) crafts a compelling and unconventional story about the intimacy between two people ...
KALAMAZOO—Western Michigan University theatre students will perform the Pulitzer Prize-nominated "Bengal Tiger At The Baghdad Zoo" Feb. 6-16 in the Williams Theatre at the Gilmore Theatre Complex.
Fort Wayne Youtheatre will present the remarkable story of Baghdad Zoo this March. The show follows a long line of inspiring stories from Youtheatre's "Linda L. Ruffolo Young Heroes of Conscience ...
Cleveland Play House's production of Rajiv Joseph's play is at the Outcalt Theatre in Playhouse Square through March 23.