DEAR ABBY: I am a troubled older man. I was married with three children, but I drank too much. My wife and I divorced after 20 years of marriage. We were both flawed. I have been remarried and ...
DEAR ABBY: We lost our 16-year-old daughter two years ago to leukemia. It’s been a difficult two years. I am writing to ask if there are rules of etiquette for visiting a loved one at the cemetery?
DEAR ABBY: I have been married for 27 years. Most of them have been miserable. My husband has been a functioning alcoholic for more than 40 years. I consider his behavior emotionally abusive.
DEAR ABBY: My wife and I went for our annual checkups seven months ago. We were both overweight and told by our respective doctors that we needed to make some lifestyle changes to improve our health.
Abbey Clancy clearly adores life with her family – 6ft 7" former England striker Peter Crouch, 44, and their four children. But there's one element of parenting their brood with Peter that can ...
When Alexandra, a keen figure skater who has represented Monaco at the Youth Olympics, was 16, she made her debut at the glitzy Monaco Rose Ball alongside her mother ... Commonwealth Day return to ...
See if your local hospital is among the 16. Only 25% of participating Michigan hospitals met the benchmark for C-section rates among low-risk, ... The criticism comes as the SSA is cutting staff ...
Dear Abby: I have been married for 52 years. While looking for a tax document, I found a manila envelope that had a note written on the outside. It said, “If something happens to me, please ...
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Abby Rosebrock has written 2 shows including Different Animals (Playwright), Lowcountry (Playwright).