Bishop George Edward Battle, Jr., who was the head of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church and a former ...
Having served as an active Bishop for 29 years, Bishop George Edward Battle Jr. will take his place in history as one of our ...
Ten men were honored by Bethel AME Church at the Bell Auditorium on Friday evening. More than 300 guests were there, too.
June 17, 2025, will mark ten years since the mass shooting at Mother Emanuel AME Church in downtown Charleston. Nine people ...
Join us from 6pm to 8pm every week for community night. Refreshments served. For more information: 732-1559;
Dr. Samuel Roberson, director of the Talladega County Cooperative Extension Service, addressed the congregation of Wesley ...
In addition to The African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund's contribution of $1 million, Leggs said the National Park ...
Bishop George Edward Battle, Jr, former head of the A.M.E. Zion Church and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education member, ...
The National Trust for Historic Preservation’s African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund is awarding $8.5 million in ...
Narratives about the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and ’60s often highlight the influence of the Black church.
At one point the Westtown site was the hub of the Black community with many tenant farmers and support staff at Westtown School residing there. At least 16 Black families were property owners and ...
The Washington Informer celebrates 60 years of service and the 198-year legacy of the Black Press. Journalists gather to honor these pillars of Black media.