The anime film premiered in 1992, the 40th anniversary year of India-Japan diplomatic relations. Cartoon Network aired the film on Indian television in subsequent years.
Was the Urusei Yatsura Listing a Mistake? Despite what sub-only watchers may claim, English dubs are vital for anime. English dubs ensure a series reaches a much larger demographic, specifically ...
The best 4K Blu-ray players deliver the ultimate picture quality for watching movies and TV series at home. Although streaming services are popular, Blu-rays deliver video at a higher bitrate ...
And the best 4K TV replacement monitor is the Asus ROG Swift PG42UQ. As TVs go, it's a long way off being the largest you can get, at 'just' 42 inches in size, but as a monitor, it's mind ...
Looking for all the new Anime Adventures codes? As a tower defense game, Anime Adventures challenges you to collect popular anime characters and deploy them to protect your base. Of course, it can ...
In today's ever-evolving world of dating and social interactions, standing out is key. When you combine timing, creativity, and the perfect delivery, you are more likely to turn an ordinary moment ...