The newest series from the Marvel Cinematic Universe is set to drop on Disney+ next week. Titled 'Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man', this series takes place in a parallel timeline to the MCU, where Norman Osborn - also known as the Green Goblin and Spider-Man's archenemy - serves as Peter Parker's mentor instead of Tony Stark.
Marvel Studios has released the first Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man BTS video for the long-awaited animated superhero comedy, which will take place in an alternate timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
A brief plot synopsis from Disney+ reads: "Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is an animated series that follows Peter Parker on his way to becoming a hero, with a journey unlike we've ever seen and a style that celebrates the character’s early comic book roots."
According to a brief Disney+ synopsis: "Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is an animated series that follows Peter Parker on his way to becoming a hero, with a journey unlike we've ever seen and a style that celebrates the character's early comic book roots."
The MCU's so nice, some visit it twice! To be fair, some may not have noticed this Fantastic Four cast member previously. Part of that concern may have been due to some the age of some commenters, as what you’re about to read involves a TV-MA Netflix series: After watching an Easter egg video about the DD: Born Again trailer I remembered that Ebon Moss-Bachrach played David Lieberman in the Punisher series.
Pixar's first-ever animated series, Win or Lose, will be coming to Disney+ in February 2025. It follows a co-ed softball team in the lead-up to their championship game. Each episode will show the week leading up to the game from a different character's perspective.
This year, Marvel is letting go of legacy characters to zap some new energy into its TV brand. While Riri Williams (Dominique Thorne) debuted in 2022’s theatrical Wakanda Forever, her imminent TV series isn’t related to Black Panther at all.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is constantly bringing new content to fans, both in theaters and streaming with a Disney+ subscription. There are a number of highly anticipated upcoming Marvel movies coming down the line,
The MCU isn't slowing down, with 2025 set to be a very busy year for Marvel. However, if the MCU were to end, these are some ways it could happen.
Daredevil, the iconic Marvel character, is set to make a return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Read to learn more about the character.
Born Again trailer has been released to the general public. Previously, only convention attendees had the chance to see any footage from the latest Daredevil TV show; now, the wider world can absorb what the next chapter of Matt Murdock’s mission to clean up Hell’s Kitchen looks
Famous songs are a cornerstone of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Heck, the franchise’s very first scene (the opening of Iron Man) was set to AC/DC’s “Back in Black”. Since then, MCU films like Guardians of the Galaxy,