President Aleksandar Vucic said today, during the Serbia-Italy business forum, that Prime Minister of Italy Giorgia Meloni ...
"Stability and calming tensions and stopping further divisions in society are the key conditions for more progress and ...
"We will not plunder NIS and we will not do anything that is not agreed with our friends, with our brothers from Russia, just ...
Defense Minister Bratislav Gasic has condemned an incident when a group of opposition activists burst into the Matica Srpska ...
The Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade has filed an indictment against Zoran V. (48) on suspicion that he on ...
It is a great honor to have the opportunity to meet with First Vice Premier of China Ding Xuexiang at such a prestigious ...
President Aleksandar Vucic said last night that as part creating a new movement and organizing rallies, a plan and program for Serbia, but also some new people,.
Voditeljka Dušica Jakovljević je u studiju ugostila podršku nominovatnih takmičara ''Elite'', dok će njen kolega Darko ...
Građani Severne Makedonije protestovali su danas u Skoplju, drugi put put za nekoliko dana, povodom nesreće u kojoj je pijani ...
Voditeljka Pink televizije, Dušica Jakovljević, večeras vodi emisiju "Izbacivanje" u "Eliti". Dok je profesionalno obavljala ...
Predsednik SAD Donald Tramp danas je ponovo branio svoju odluku o uvođenju visokih carina na robu iz Meksika, Kine i Kanade, ...
Fudbaleri Železničara i Radničkog iz Niša odigrali su večeras u Pančevu nerešeno 0:0, u meču 21. kola Superlige Srbije.