For more information on the programmatic environmental impact statement currently being developed by the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council on electrical transmission, please visit their website.
In 2023, state lawmakers passed House Bill 1216 to help make the process for siting and permitting clean energy projects more effective and efficient. The goal is to encourage clean energy while ...
As Washington’s environmental protection agency, we are deeply committed to protecting, preserving, and enhancing Washington’s environment for current and future generations. Through innovative ...
The Permit Writer’s Manual (Ecology Publication Number 92-109) is meant to guide permit writers and the public through our process of developing and issuing wastewater discharge permits. Permit Writer ...
Schools and daycare centers in Washington can apply to receive reimbursement for replacing light ballasts that may contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). While the manufacture of PCBs in the U.S.
Municipal stormwater general permits regulate discharges from municipal stormwater systems. These drainage systems are separated from sanitary sewer systems and are owned or operated by cities, ...
Waters of the state belong to the public and can't be owned by any individual or group. Instead, a person or group may be granted a right to use a volume of water, for a defined purpose, in a specific ...
Our agency is dedicated to preserving and protecting the environment in Washington. To learn how we preserve and protect Washington's land, air, and water for today and for future generations, read ...
The refinery began operating in 1954 and has about 285 employees and 200 contractors that work on the site. The facility processes crude oil into a variety of petroleum products. At full production, ...
We regulate the air, water, and hazardous waste activities at the Nippon Dynawave Packaging Company pulp and paper mill in Longview. This is a kraft pulp and paper mill and liquid packaging plant.
We follow up on wetland mitigation sites to ensure mitigation requirements are fulfilled. Permittees are required to meet the terms and conditions of their permits, including successful implementation ...
We prevent and clean up toxic leaks and spills across the state. We respond to spills, inspect chemical storage and transport facilities, and clean up complex contaminated sites that threaten the ...